02 October, 2017

Seeing the world through the eyes of a novelist traveler

In my opinion traveling is the best education out there. My parents started taking me to various exotic, spiritual places at the age of six months old. Their need and desire to travel was instilled in my mind at a very young age. Its safe to say that due to the nature of my job as a travel guide and my past experiences traveling and living in different locations I have become a bit jaded.

This all changed when my Fiancée started joining me on various Spirit Tours journeys around the world. According to him he has always had the desire to travel, however the opportunity never presented itself. In the past two years we have traveled together to Costa Rica, Sedona, Mexico and Bali. Each adventure in his eyes was so new and fresh. It made me re live the excitement of each place and appreciate each moment so much more. His excitement and amazing positive attitude while traveling allows me to see the world through the eyes of a novelist traveler.

Where have you traveled, and where do you still want to go?

Gitana Omi, Spirit Tours

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